

In Katonah Yoga we look at the body as a house.
In Daoist face reading we understand the face as a map.
We all have an original face and an enormous amount of potential that comes with it.
When we read faces we look at the topographical landscape and listen to what the facial structure has to tell.
We don't judge by certain parameters, we don't gauge "beauty" and above all we don't distinguish between good or bad.
We simply look at it in the most archetypical way to give the client an overview of let's say their dominant elements and how to utilize them. What will be exhibited in a reading are one's personal powers and energy(qi), one's essence and how to take good care of it (jing) and ultimately we acquire to shed light on the soul (shen) to determine the clients golden path and his destiny (ming). 

Life is constantly moulding us and this is why we change in time. Each moment is a snapshot of where we are in time and space. By learning to read our compass we will find techniques to navigate life.


DAOIST FACE READING : Basic Qi&Jing 150.00 CHF book here

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